Civil7 Summit 4&5 May
When the G7 leaders meet to discuss their priorities in the context of this year’s German presidency, the voices of civil society and, above all, of the people most affected by crises must be heard. After a lot of virtual meetings, discussions and emails around the globe, we are very happy our recommendations to the G7 will be presented, discussed and handed over on the Civil7 Summit next week . The Summit on 4-5 May 2022 will be the highlight of this year’s process, coordinated by VENRO, the Association of German Development and Humanitarian Aid NGOs, and the German NGO Forum on Environment and Development.
Over the past months, about 500 representatives from more than 40 countries have been working in the Civil7 network across five working groups: Open Societies; Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict; Economic Justice and Transformation; Climate and Environmental Justice; and Global Health. Their policy positions and priorities are summarised in a final document, the C7 Communiqué.
On the first day of the Summit, C7 working group coordinators and G7 representatives are invited to reflect on the global responsibility of the G7. Subsequently, representatives of civil society will discuss key challenges with high-level representatives of the German government. On 5 May, the C7 Communiqué will be officially handed over to the G7 President and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and the formulated political recommendations will be presented and discussed in a panel with German Sherpa Dr Jörg Kukies.
You can find more information about the programme here. Registeration for on-side participation is closed. Please register here if you are interested in attending the Civil7 Summit virtually.